Top 6 Favorite Supermodels


This week’s Top 6 Thurday would be about my top 6 favorite supermodels.

I personally, am a big fan of several supermodels and my list includes-

No. 1 – Gigi Hadid

Gigi is my top-most favorite supermodel. Her way of doing everything is perfection. She is amazing as ever.

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What Makes You, You?

What makes you, you? Ever thought over this? But you know what? You make yourself.

Your positivity, your imperfections, your honesty, your loyalty, your happiness makes you, you.

People often get influenced, easily but if the person knows where he stands and knows himself, he will always find a way out and that’s what will make him what he is. Being yourself is not just being happy or being good to people but being yourself is being happy in what you have, being happy with whom you are and also, being happy with what you want to be in your life. Continue reading

Is Perfection Important?


Perfection? What is actually perfection? Nothing but just being flawless in every way – looks, job, money, body, house, lifestyle and all the other things? But is perfection really important in everyone’s life? The answer is Yes and No, both.

Let’s just be fair. Being ‘perfect’ has never been special or fruitful. Perfect looks ain’t very important. You just need to accept the natural you. You are never imperfect until and unless you consider yourself complete. Have you ever wondered about those models who work for money and pose and maintain their bodies fit and slim? It is not important that they are the ‘obvious perfection’. They are humans too. They too may be imperfect in one way or the other. They too need to go through a lot in order to be like what they are. Continue reading